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About Us

The SCCC is a general purpose, have-some-fun bicycle club that provides a variety of rides from very social and gentle to training-grade. We pride ourselves on our friendliness, our warmth, and our inclusiveness, and welcome members of all age groups and levels of ability. In winter, when it is too cold to ride, we arrange hikes and walking tours.

And we are always looking for volunteers to expand our range of activities.


You don’t have to be a SCCC member to join your first ride, or to attend club meetings. But if you join (it costs only $20/yr for individuals and $35/yr for families), you’ll gain access to our members-only area, our event calendar, and our monthly newsletter, which are packed with information on club activities, including bicycle rides, off-season hikes, picnics and dinners, as well as informative columns on a wide range of cycling related issues. And, as a member, you'll get discounts from some area bike shops.


Click here to view a video from 2019's Summer Breeze Ride For Autism.

Featured Event: Sunday, July 10 2022

The Summer Breeze Ride for Autism is presented again this year by the Southern Connecticut Cycle Club (SCCC) and the Madison Jaycees. We are proud to donate ALL proceeds from this event to the SARAH Foundation. 

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SCCC • P.O. Box 51 • New Haven, CT  06501-0051

© 2019 Southern Connecticut Cycle Club

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