In the late spring, summer and fall, the club provides a variety of rides from very social and gentle to training-grade. In late fall and winter, when it's too cold to ride, we do a similarly wide range of hikes, often in conjunction with other local hiking clubs. Our rides are intended for adults, but children under 18 may participate if accompanied by a parent and with prior approval from the ride leader.
You don't have to be a SCCC member to join us on an event (your first ride is free, but you do need to become a member if you want to continue riding with us). Membership is only $20 / annum ($35 for families), and if you join, you’ll gain access to our members-only area, which has our ride calendar and monthly newsletter, and is packed with information on all club rides, activities including off-season hikes, club picnics and dinners, and informative columns.
Please keep in mind that you will need to ride with a helmet to join us. In addition, due to insurance requirements, you are allowed to participate in only one ride with the club as a non-member.
Rides & Events
Club Activities & Additional Events
Download the current issue of our monthly newsletter from the Member's Area
The newsletter includes information on the SCCC's rides and walks, as well as a membership application form and other information. You can download the current month's newsletter by clicking on the "Download Newsletter" button that is visible at the top right of every page. For the most up-to-date listing of events, please see the calendar in the Member's Area
All Season Events
Hike Sleeping Giant State Park in Hamden